Patrick Zuppiger
Patrick has joined AveÂlaLaw on 1 April 2023 and is responÂsiÂble for finance, HR, operÂaÂtions, comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions and marÂketÂing activÂiÂties of the firm. He is a senior investor relaÂtions, comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions and finance manÂagÂer with long-standÂing expeÂriÂence in listÂed, globÂal comÂpaÂnies. He has proven skills in analyÂsis, (finanÂcial) comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion and in peoÂple and process management.
Before joinÂing AveÂlaLaw, Patrick was workÂing in the finanÂcial indusÂtry at UBS and GAM InvestÂments for 20 years. He was occuÂpied in varÂiÂous senior finance, investor relaÂtions and comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion roles. From 2019 – 2021 he was the Chief ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions OffiÂcer and memÂber of the extendÂed leadÂerÂship team at SoftÂwareÂONE, a globÂal softÂware and cloud soluÂtions provider that was listÂed on 25 OctoÂber 2019.
- CFO/COO AveÂlaLaw Ltd., Zurich, since April 1, 2023
- Chief ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions OffiÂcer and memÂber of the extendÂed leadÂerÂship team of SoftÂwareÂONE Ltd., Wallisellen
- Head Group ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions and Investor RelaÂtions and memÂber of the extendÂed manÂageÂment team of GAM HoldÂing Ltd., Zurich
- Head BusiÂness Finance Wealth ManÂageÂment & UBS CH of UBS Ltd., Zurich
- ExterÂnal FinanÂcial ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions and Investor RelaÂtions OffiÂcer at UBS Ltd., Zurich
- Not admitÂted to the bar
- UnviverÂsiÂty of Applied SciÂences and BusiÂness AdminÂisÂtraÂtion, Zurich. BBA HonÂours Degree, Major in CorÂpoÂrate Finance
- GerÂman
- EngÂlish
- French