Patrick Stadler
Senior Risk & ComÂpliÂance Officer
Patrick Stadler has over 13 years of expeÂriÂence in risk manÂageÂment of the finanÂcial indusÂtry, which he acquired in a career spanÂning more than 20 years, priÂmarÂiÂly at Julius Baer and UBS. At Julius Baer, he was responÂsiÂble for estabÂlishÂing the Front Risk ManÂagÂer role (1st LoD) in the Swiss busiÂness and reportÂed in this funcÂtion to a memÂber of the ExecÂuÂtive Board. In this role, he actÂed as a repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtive of the interÂests of the front units vis-Ă -vis the comÂpaÂny’s risk diviÂsion. He also sucÂcessÂfulÂly built-up varÂiÂous cenÂtres of competence:
1) for hanÂdling “interÂmeÂdiÂary activÂiÂties”, 2) dealÂing with “guardianÂships (KESB)” and 3) “capÂiÂtal conÂtriÂbuÂtions and increasÂes” when foundÂing comÂpaÂnies. Thanks to his many years of expeÂriÂence in varÂiÂous indusÂtries, he has proven qualÂiÂties in analyÂsis, conÂcepÂtuÂalÂiÂsaÂtion and project manÂageÂment. He demonÂstratÂed the latÂter at UBS in outÂput manÂageÂment durÂing the impleÂmenÂtaÂtion of the “e‑document” stratÂeÂgy. In 2001, he comÂpletÂed furÂther trainÂing to become an appliÂcaÂtion develÂopÂer or IT project manÂagÂer with a fedÂerÂal cerÂtifiÂcate, as he is highÂly enthuÂsiÂasÂtic about digÂiÂtal topics.
- Front Risk ManÂagÂer, Region SwitzerÂland EMEA, Julius Bär, 2016 – 2024
- BusiÂness Risk ManÂagÂer und Risk & ComÂpliÂance Expert, COO UBS SwitzerÂland and UBS Life, UBS, 2008 – 2016
- ProdÂuct ManÂagÂer, BusiÂness Analyst/Project ManÂagÂer und AppliÂcaÂtions ManÂagÂer in OutÂput ManÂageÂment and OperÂaÂtions Client PricÂing, UBS, 2003 – 2008
- AdviÂsor for IT-sysÂtems and project lead, Conexus AG, InterÂact ConÂsultÂing AG and Lotus DevelÂopÂment AG, 1999 – 2003
- AppliÂcaÂtion develÂopÂer and SysÂteÂmengiÂneer, CredÂit Suisse, 1996 – 1999
CAD sysÂtem develÂopÂer indusÂtriÂal plants, Von Roll UmweltÂtechÂnik AG, 1993 – 1996
TrainÂing as strucÂturÂal draughtsÂman for agriÂculÂturÂal buildÂings, Zurich, 1989 – 1993
- IT project manÂagÂer with fedÂerÂal certificate
- GerÂman
- EngÂlish